NEWSWEEK Middle East
“Portrait of a Shadow,” (2/13/09) A portrait of an Iraqi Sunni insurgent turned CIA spy.
“Losing the Infowar” (1/14/07) How the U.S military plans to control the press.
“Iraq: A New Enemy Emerges - the Shiite Zarqawi” (11/12/06) Abu Deraa is the most feared man in Iraq. Here’s why.
“Ministers of Death” (11/12/06) The Shiite Zarqawi wreaks havoc in Baghdad.
“It’s All the Same” (11/9/06) U.S elections hit Iraq.
“Silent Sistani” (9/3/06) Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani is the most powerful man in Iraq right now.
“Iraq: A War Within A War: Who runs the Mahdi Army?” (8/20/06) The ever-shifting threat morphs again.
“An Army of One” (5/7/06) A written Q&A with Muqtada al-Sadr, leader of the Mehdi Army.
“Phantom Force” (4/23/06) A renegade Iraqi government security force upends Baghdad.
"Baghdad’s Big Oil Bust” (1/29/06) Iraq’s oil industry is broken, despite America’s best efforts.
“We Want Better Weapons” (2/19/06) Iraq’s Army is struggling to keep up.
“Doctors in the Crosshairs” (1/8/06) Why are insurgents killing so many Iraqi doctors?
“Sunnis Change Course” (12/18/05) Sunnis get political.
“The New Way Out” (12/4/05) The most dangerous stretch of highway in Iraq gets a little better.
“No More Illusions” (10/9/05) Stirrings of civil war.
“The Sunni Question” (9/4/05) Haditha becomes a hot-bed of Taliban-style enforcement.
“Our Mr. Fix-It in Iraq” (8/28/05) An in-depth profile of U.S ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad.
“Terror on the Tigris” (9/11/05) A political demonstration goes terribly wrong.
“Only Way to Communicate” (6/6/04) High tech comes to Baghdad.
“The Enemy Spies” (6/26/05) The insurgency gets sophisticated.
“Soldier Rap: The Pulse of War” (6/12/05) American soldiers make music to cope with war.
“A Deadly Guessing Game” (5/15/05) Just how bad is it getting? New documents reveal a grim reality.
“Lost in the Green Zone” (9/19/04) It used to be Saddam’s playground. Now it’s the heart of the American occupation.
“It’s Worse Than You Think” (9/19/04) An insurgency is spreading far and wide in Iraq.
“We Pray the Insurgents Will Achieve Victory” (8/6/04) A Q&A with an insurgent leader.
“The Dark Road Ahead” (4/11/04) Fallujah is the epicenter of the growing insurgency.
“Eyewitness to a Siege” (8/29/04) Photographer Laurent Van der Stockt is caught in the holy shrine of Karbala. Here’s what he saw.
“Iraq's New Leader Gets Tough - By Unleashing the U” (8/22/04) Ayad Allawi wants a little respect.
“And They Shall Lead” (7/27/03) Iraq’s first government takes a few shaky steps.
“Troops: The Body Count Grows” (6/8/03) More soldiers are dying post-occupation.
“Inside An Enemy Cell” (8/17/03) One of the very first in-depth stories about Iraq’s insurgency.
“Hunting Saddam” (7/6/03) A lengthy profile of the hunt for Saddam Hussein near the Syrian border.
“Still Fighting Saddam” (7/20/03) Saddam Hussein is still wreaking havoc, and no one knows where he is.
“Unholy Allies” (6/15/03) Insurgents are teaming up with Baathists, and the war is getting ugly.
“The Iranian Connection” (4/27/03) Iran has a hand in much of the violence.
“In Custody” (5/1/03) Going over Iraq’s nuclear program with a former scientist.
“I Was Sure I Was Dead” (3/30/03) A first-person account of being ambushed during the American invasion